We don’t usually talk about our health in this day and age, but one of the things you should know is that there are many effective natural remedies to heal a sore throat at home using essential oils. This article will show you how to find one of the best.
In fact, you may have heard a lot about the power of essential oils when you are having a cold or a flu. You probably have seen pictures of people drinking the steam from scented soaps. Well, we know now that they are much better than those products with strong smells. In fact, essential oils have even been proven to fight a number of ailments including colds and flu, to name just a few.
So, if you want to use essential oils as an alternative medicine, why not use one to heal a sore throat as well? Let’s take a look at some of the most popular natural cures for sore throats and the most effective essential oils to use in the treatment process.
Tea tree oil: This has been used for centuries to provide relief from common and minor symptoms like itchiness, pain, and soreness and also has a soothing effect on the skin. As far as treating a sore throat goes, tea tree oil is a good antiseptic and antibacterial agent which can be quite effective when combined with other ingredients such as cinnamon and peppermint oil. The tea tree oil can be diluted for use on the skin and on a cotton ball, then applied to the throat as often as necessary to help relieve the pain.
Eucalyptus and Menthol: These two types of essential oils are used very often to treat a sore throat and as we mentioned before, they are also very effective. These two oils work together to help reduce inflammation and pain and you can either apply them to the area directly or mix them together and then apply the mixture directly to the sore throat to help reduce pain and swelling.
Rosemary and Chamomile: Rosemary and Chamomile are both excellent anti-inflammatory agents. They can also be added to baths to help reduce fever and pain as well as they have antiseptic properties, which can help reduce irritation and inflammation.
Lavender and Neroli: This type of oil is also known as “the flower of the valley”. It has antiseptic and analgesic properties as well as stimulating blood circulation and this is especially helpful for people who suffer from inflammation and pain. You can add Rosemary and chamomile to bath water to help relax and soothe a sore throat and also drink the mixture in order to relieve your discomfort.
Cypress and Rosewood: Cypress and Rosewood are known for their antibiotic and anti-inflammatory properties. You can mix two drops of the oil together and put a few drops into a warm bath for use on the sore throat, which can help relieve pain and inflammation. Alternatively, you can take a few drops mixed with water and gargle with warm water.
Eucalyptus and Tea Tree: These are both excellent for soothing an irritated throat and relieving pain and swelling. Tea tree oil is very good at relaxing the muscles around the lips and neck, which can help reduce inflammation as well as being a great tonic for the sinuses.
Olive Oil and Peppermint: This type of oil has a cooling effect which will help reduce inflammation and it also has antibacterial properties. If you combine tea tree oil with olive oil or lavender, you can create a potent mixture that can help relieve pain and inflammation.
Basil: Basil is also called St. John’s Wort. You can add basil oil to a warm bath and soak in it for about 15 minutes to help reduce swelling and the symptoms of a sore throat.
Other than these, there are many other essential oils that are also very effective. Just make sure that you dilute the essential oils before applying them to the skin because too much of anything is not only dangerous but can cause allergic reactions if you don’t dilute it properly. You can also use them topically to help reduce pain and inflammation, so if you do get a sore throat, apply them as recommended and see if they can help.